High Challenge,
High Support
Riverdale sets a high bar. The academic program is engaging and challenging, and students balance their academic work with their pursuits in athletics, the arts, service-learning, and other co-curricular activities that require effort and commitment. As they engage in this rigorous experience, students are supported by a team of teachers, deans, advisors, coaches, counselors, and others who are always available to provide feedback and guidance.
Developing Minds,
Building Character
Riverdale students are active learners who break down complex problems, ask good questions, evaluate evidence, and develop confidence in their own abilities and talents. The in-depth curriculum and extensive co-curricular programs work together to provide knowledge and experience. Lower School students learn to collaborate. Middle School students learn to think for themselves and consider the needs of others. Upper School students design their futures based on their unique strengths, talents, and experiences. Excelling at Riverdale is about developing one’s own sense of purpose.
Change for the Good
What does it take to be a changemaker? With its emphasis on knowledge, character, and experience, Riverdale prepares students to grapple with complex problems and work with others to find solutions. Interdisciplinary thinking plays a role, along with curiosity, creativity, empathy, and a sense of personal responsibility. A Riverdale education gives students the confidence to take on big questions and a desire to make life better for others.